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TASK 11.1 Critically examine these two organization by comparing and contrasting:

a) Their differing structure


Specialization A specialized crew can be chosen on the merits of their work and the functions that they carry forth. Work can be completed faster and more efficiently due to specialization and quality control costs are lowered due to specialization

Opportunity The needs of the project is the sole criteria for hiring of professionals. Thus allowing for more chances of success Task refinement by the specialist leads to higher levels of productivity.

Skill The project manager is solely responsible for making sure that the project is completed on time and within the allotted budget Each employee can be an expert to some degree.

The different between Matrix Structure for Mark and Spenser is matrix management is a type of organizational management in which people with similar skills are pooled for work assignments. For example, although the functions are separate, each manager works together as part of The Store Managements Team. The specialization for matrix is crew can be chosen on the merits of their work and the functions that they carry forth which is they are work for a certain task. Then they have a future opportunity by hiring the professional and through that can make that company more successful.All the work have skill of worker towards the company which is manager is responsible to make sure the project completely on time and within allotted budget due to can save the budget. For work specialization of Ford Motor Company, Ford demonstrated that work can be performed more efficiently if employee area allowed specializing. Today we use the term work specializations or division of labor, to describe the degree to which activities in the organization are subdivided into separate jobs. Ford is more specialized that work can completely faster due to their specialism and technical expertise and this can facilitate the development of the function they are offer as well as providing a recognized path for promotion and career development. Besides that, the opportunity from this department is task refinement leads to higher level due to focusing the quality and productivity of task that was given. From that, all the company can be expert to some degree due to have a skill of work.The essence of work specialization is that rather than an entire job being done by one individual it is broken down into a number of steps with each step being completed by a separate individual. In essence individuals specialize in doing part of an activity rather to the entire activity.

The similarities of Matrix Structure and Work Specialization


Areas of activity Have their own specialized section or department

Task Responsible for all the task required of the function

The similarities of matrix structure for Mark and Spenser and also work specialization for Ford Motor Company is having same areas of activity that both of companies have their own specialized section or department in their organization. Each department have their own work based on the skill and knowledge to do work according quality of their own expertise.Furthermore,the company have a responsible for all the task required of the function to achieve a goal that they are set for that company.

CHARACTERISTICMARK AND SPENCERFunctional DepartmentalizationFORD MOTOR COMPANYProduct Departmentalization

Specialties Efficiencies from putting together similar specialties and people with common skills, knowledge, and orientations Allows specialization in particular products and services

Organizational type Smaller organizations, assembly-line producers and well-established professional organizations such as colleges and hospitals Larger organizations, multinational companies and companies that have operations spread out across many locations may employ product departments to allow employees in certain locations to focus on the production or output of a key product.

Ways of work Focus to workers

Closer to customers

The different between Functional Departmentalization for Mark and Spenser is grouping activities by functions performed. Activities can be grouped according to function (work being done) to pursue economies of scale by placing employees with shared skills and knowledge into departments for example the Store Managements Team includes a Commercial Manager, a Financial Manager and a Personnel Manager, who all report to a General Manager. For example, they have specialties skill; knowledge and orientation due to handle the departmentalization need a huge knowledge. Type of organization that used in functional departmentalization is smaller organizations, assembly-line producers and well-established professional organizations such as like Mark and Spenser. The ways of work to focus more to worker and responsible toward any happen to workers.For Product Departmentalization of Ford Motor Company is grouping activities by product line. Tasks can also be grouped according to a specific product or service, thus placing all activities related to the product or the service under one manager. Allows specialization in particular products and services as their specialties and more to producing the product. Its a larger organizations, multinational companies and companies that have operations spread out across many locations may employ product departments to allow employees in certain locations to focus on the production or output of a key product and also closer to customer which this department see the customer indirectly.Each major product area in the corporation is under the authority of a senior manager who is specialist in, and is responsible for, everything related to the product line. Ford is an example of company that uses product departmentalization.

The similarities of Functional Departmentalization and Product Departmentalization


Skill of work Coordination within functional area manager can become expert in their industry

Specialization Specifically focused on the completion of its own product.

The similarities of functional departmentalization for Mark and Spenser and product departmentalization for Ford Motor Company which is have a same skill of work. When the workers already work for very long time so that it can help them become more expert in their industry and the ordination within functional area manager that need to observe the worker. If already expert, the manager can do other work than is observation. The specialization like functional departmentalization, product departmentalization can result in a lack of communication between departments, as each department is specifically focused on the completion of its own product. In this type of departmentalization, the effort produced by workers is generally the same and does not necessarily require any additional effort or initiative on the part of the individual worker

Functional Departmentalization

Product Departmentalization

b) Their different cultures

The comparing between of role culture and task culture


Specialization every employee is delegated roles and responsibilities according to his specialization, educational qualification and interest to extract the best out of him. Organizations where teams are formed to achieve the targets or solve critical problems follow the task culture. In such organizations individuals with common interests and specializations come together to form a team.

Members There are generally four to five members in each team Less of members in each members

Organization Role culture enables large organizations to spread tasks among their employees and ensure key tasks are covered without unnecessary duplication. Project teams will be set specific tasks to complete within a set timescale and budget.

The different between Role Culture is in organization, individuals are assigned a specific role or job. They may have a job description listing the tasks they are responsible for. Role culture enables large organizations to spread tasks among their employees and ensure key tasks are covered without unnecessary duplication. Each department of Mark and Spenser has their own manager that control and manage the functional area which means managers roles are more important than individuals where impersonal system and procedure role behavior are more important rather than individual. Specialist roles should increase productivity as employees are completing tasks they are fully trained and experienced to do. However a role culture may be unsuitable for organizations with a small number of employees where everyone needs to be taking on a variety of tasks and responsibilities. Furthermore a role culture organization may find it difficult to adapt, if its staff are controlled by tight systems and procedures. For Task Culture of Ford Motor Company is task culture has a number of staff feel motivated because they are empowered to make decisions within their team, they may feel valued because they have selected for the team and there is a sense of achievement when the team complete the task successfully. It may also allow teams to be more creative when problem solving. For example, for many years the Managing Director, Justin Bibir has striven to run an economic and efficient operation. All work in this organization is planned according to detailed task and specialization. Work is carried out under standard condition involving a controlled environment and the use of efficient working methods. There is strict division of labor so that individual worker is only responsible for a small number of tasks.

The similarities between role culture and task culture


Ability of workA person to carry out the functions in a satisfactory manner

Power and authorityDesired performance and result

The similarities between role culture of Mark and Spenser and task culture of Ford Motor Company that have a characteristic the ability of work of the person to carry out the function in satisfactory manner. There is a security for employees and career progressions are predictable. This can make the workers of both company will do the work more efficiently. Furthermore, power and authority are distributed to the right people at the appropriate level and the focus remains on the desired performance and result. When we have a power, we will improve our skills and a good result for do the task following the role culture.

1.2 Discuss on how far Mark & Spencer and Ford Company structure and culture can bring impact on the performance of the business

Product departmentalization focuses attention on major product areas in the corporation. Each product is under the authority of a senior manager who is a specialist and is responsible for everything having to do with his or her product line. One company that uses product departmentalization is Ford Motor Company. Its structure is based on its various product lines, which include lighting consumer electronics, domestic appliances and personal care, and medical systems. If an organizations activities were service related rather than product related, as those of Ford Motor Company, each service would be autonomously grouped. The advantage of product grouping is that it increases accountability for product performance, because all activities related to a specific product are under the direction of a single manager.The first advantage of using functional departmentalization for Mark and Spenser can be that by grouping together all the people who have the appropriate expertise, you will create highly skilled specialists. Another advantage of this approach would be that Mark and Spenser have a good communication between the members of the group due to be very strong as they would be said to be on the same wave-length due to having similar skills and experience in common. A third advantage could be that due to everyone in the group being a valued member, understanding exactly what to do straight away, the company would save both time and money by avoiding having any staff that may struggle to get to grips with the project.The matrix structure, since Mark and Spenser employees have constant communication contact with members from different functional areas, the matrix structure allows for information and resources to travel more fluidly between those functional areas. The collaboration between functional areas allows a project team to better handle that show Mark and Spenser have the complex challenges and objectives. The matrix structure allows for human resources to be shared flexibly across different projects or products. Functional areas maintain a stock of talented employees to meet projects' requirements.Furthermore, work specialization increase efficiency through Ford. Practice make perfect, therefore the work within particular skills will develop skills and efficiency through repetition of the job.it save time there is no need of switching from one place to another in that case worker is fixed in her/his field as a result time is saved. Accuracy in production which it is likely to be accuracy in production due to the fact that every worker will engage in the particular work where will be concerned with.Reduce cost of production in the particular activities the specialized person will be effectively handling it out as a result there be no need giving cost of repeating the same job.In a Mark and Spenser, role culture organization, individuals are assigned a specific role or job. They may have a job description listing the task they are responsible for. It enables large organizations to spread tasks among their employees and ensure key tasks are covered without unnecessary duplication. This is particularly useful for specialist roles. Specialist roles should increase productivity as employee is completing tasks they are fully trained and experienced to do. However a role culture may be unsuitable for organization with a small number of employees where everyone needs to be taking on a variety of tasks and responsibilities.Task culture refers to use of teams of Ford to complete tasks especially if the objective has a number of steps. The establishment of project teams for the completion of specific objectives. Project teams will be set specific tasks to complete within a set timescale and budget. A task culture has staff feel motivated because they are empowered to make decision within their team, they may feel valued because they have selected for the team and their sense of achievement when the team complete the task successfully.

1.3 What are the factors that could influence the employees (Mark & Spenser and Ford Company) behavior at work?

The factor that can influence the employees of Mark and Spenser company and Ford Motor Company is the demographic factors are socio economic background, education, nationality, race, age and sex. Organizations of both company prefer persons that belong to good socio-economic background, well educated, young etc. as they are believed to be performing better than the others. The young and dynamic professionals that have good academic background and effective communication skills are always in great demand. The study of demographic factors is significant as it helps managers of Mark and Ford to pick the suitable candidate for a particular job.

Furthermore,the abilities and skills of the members of Mark and Ford.The physical capacity of an individual to do something can be termed as ability. Skill can be defined as the ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform well. The individual behavior and performance is highly influenced by ability and skills. A person can perform well in the both organization if his abilities and skills are matched with the job requirement. The managers of Mark and Ford plays vital role in matching the abilities and skills of the employees with the particular job requirement.

Beside that,the perception also effect the behavior to workers .The cognitive process meant for interpreting the environmental stimuli in a meaningful way is referred to as perception. Every individual on the basis of his/he reference can organize and interpret environmental stimuli. There are many factors that influence the perception of an individual. The study of perception plays important role for the Mark and Ford managers. It is important for managers to create the favorable work environment so that employees perceive them in most favorable way. The employees are likely to perform better if they are going to perceive it in a positive way.

The other effect is attitude. According to psychologists, attitude can be defined as a tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to certain objects, persons or situations. The factors such as family, society, culture, peers and organizational factors influence the formation of attitude.The managers in an Mark and Ford organization need to study the variables related to job as to create the work environment in a favorable way that employees are tempted to form a positive attitude towards their respective jobs. The employees can perform better in the organization if they form a positive attitude.

Finally,the personality can be defined as the study of the characteristics and distinctive traits of an individual, the inter-relations between them and the way in which a person responds and adjusts to other people and situations. The several factors that influence the personality of an individual are heredity, family, society, culture and situation. It implies to the fact that individuals differ in their manner while responding to the organizational environment. Personality can be regarded as the most complex aspect of human beings that influences their behavior in big way. It can be concluded that the study of personality traits offers an opportunity to understand the individuals. It helps them properly in directing their effort and motivating them for the accomplishment of the organizational goal of Mark and Ford company.It refers to the fact that different environmental factors may generate different responses. The study of these responses is very important for the organization. Every organization demands a particular type of behavior from their employees and such behaviors can be discovered through observation, learning, exposure, and training.

TASK 22.1 Compare the effectiveness of leadership style that had been applied in Mark & Spenser and Ford Company.


Description Leader encouraged group to create policies. Leader gave overview of task and steps before work. Members choose actions and interactions that facilitate work Complete freedom Resources provided but leader gave information only when asked.

Feedback Feedback was factual and objective No feedback unless asked

Findings members gain satisfactions in making their own decisions individual self-confidence results from group achievement members have little sense of accomplishment there is lack of clear goals

The different between democratic by Mark and Spenser with laisez faire by Ford Motor Company.The description for democratic is leader encouraged group to create policies.It is because they are will do the work with a full of responsibility and have specialization task to settle the work.Before that,leader will gave overview or introduction of task and step before do the work.From that,they are know what of kind the task that was given and objectives for this task.After that,members choose actions and interactions that facilitate work.Beside that,the feedback was factual and objective.Then,the feedback more directly and easy to understand due to the gather opinion with other members.Moreover,the members can gain satisfaction in making their own decisions.

members gain satisfactions in making their own decisions individual self-confidence results from group achievement

2.2 What is the advantage of approaches to management that had been applied in both organizations? Make a comparison between both organizations

The advantage of bureaucracy that applied in Mark and Spenser is the organizational structure exercise a great deal of control over the organizational strategy decisions,which is ideal for business owners with a command and control style.Besides that,the employees tasks in the organization are allocated as official duties and based on their responsibilities.Strategic decision-making time can be shorter in a tall organizational structure, since less individuals are involved in the process. Standardization and best-practices are often highlights in companies with tall organizational structures, ensuring that work is consistently completed efficiently and effectively.

Bureaucratic control a system that strategic was based around internal labor market and the winning of employee commitment through the prospect of long term career advancement includes job security, pension packages and Training & development.Bureaucracies helped HRM in recruitment, performance appraisal, and other systems.A bureaucratic system brings to the overall running and efficiency of a business and its employees. In a bureaucracy each employee of the organization knows precisely what their duties are within the organization, and therefore many tasks will be performed a lot quicker and more efficiently. The clear-cut rules set by bureaucratic systems also enable the organization.

Ford Motor Company applied scientific managements is essential for any type of business.Justin Bibir managements approach in managing the organisation was quite unfriendly among his workers.Some of the employees claiming that they were treated like machines and no account were taken of their abilities or their motivation.Besides,they also think that the approach applied by him does not suitable in the changing environment of this century.Others feel that they are not motivated just by the money.Moreover,Justins approach is entirely focused on the work and takes no account of the workers.There are also certain types of work which are non-rountine,hard to observe and measure and difficult to plan in advance.

The work is simplified and is carried out in most economical and efficient manner. Scientific management is instrumental in developing healthy cooperation between the management and the subordinates thereby encouraging cordial and harmonious relations between the two. The result is that disagreements that are a common occurrence in industry get considerably reduced. A concept of mental revolution for the development of close understanding, mutual trust and confidence between the labor and the management is also given importance in this type of management.

This type of management is also beneficial for the workers as they start getting higher salaries than before. The higher wages and different incentive plans are helpful in increasing the standard of production. Increased standard of production leads to more turn over and enhances the profit of investor. Higher profits can be utilized for ploughing back or self-financing in order to provide sound financial base to the concern. One of the main principles of scientific management is that it undertakes scientific selection, placement and training of the industrial employees.

Comparison between advantage of Bureaucracy and Scientific Management