the strategic use of social media: my funglode social media seminar slides:

August 13, 2013 The Strategic Use of Social Media This seminar explores the implications, challenges and opportunities offered by the world of social media. Participants will learn how varying sets of social media tools work together as an integrated system and actively apply these concepts to the their own present and prospective professional circumstances. Upon successfully completing this seminar, they will be able to integrate their understanding of social media and its respective dimensions to business marketing challenges and will have mastered the basic fundamentals of, and challenges of, social media its impact business marketing, learning how to understand the benefits

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August 13, 2013

The Strategic Use of Social Media

This seminar explores the implications, challenges and opportunities offered by the world of social media. Participants will learn how varying sets of social media tools work together as an integrated system and actively apply these concepts to the their own present and prospective professional circumstances. Upon successfully completing this seminar, they will be able to integrate their understanding of social media and its respective dimensions to business marketing challenges and will have mastered the basic fundamentals of, and challenges of, social media its impact business marketing, learning how to understand the benefits of each social media platform and the various customer acquisition strategies.

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Our Primary Goal

Learn how to apply social media tools, techniques and strategies to meet

specific marketing objectives for your organization

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Key Takeaways1. A strategic framework for social media decision making -- how to integrate

social into your marketing strategy– Understanding your customers, prospects, influencers and stakeholders (including

profiling and prioritization techniques)– Basics of social media measurement and analytics (including a tour of Google Analytics)

2. The demographic attributes of online social networks: Who you can meet where?

– Run-down of the various social networks and their demographics

3. Content marketing basics: the ultimate combination of creative, social media and search

– Paid vs earned vs owned media– SEO, SEM and PPC basics– Success secrets of inbound marketing

4. Automation and integration tools to tie it all together– Monitoring– Curation– Engagement– Workflow– Cross-platform content sharing – The importance of the editorial calendar

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Who am I?

Who are you?

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Who is Fresh Ground?

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The Anti-Social Organization

Fresh Ground, Inc.

The old model, or one reason why PR is flawed

MegaphoneFlickr image uploaded by thivierr Shared under Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 2.0 GenericLicense

The EarthTaken 7 December, 1972Apollo 17 missionCourtesy: NASA

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The RealityThe Social Organization

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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Fresh Ground, Inc.

The Social OrganizationThe Reality

Fresh Ground, Inc.

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The Social Organization

• Empowers, trains and engages all relevant departments in social, not just “marcomms” people…

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“We Need a Facebook Strategy”

• No. No you don’t!

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The Basic Questions

How do we start?

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The Basic QuestionsWhere are we going?

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The Basic Questions

How do we know when we get there?

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More Fundamental Questions






We’ll revisit these questions later…

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The “New Marketing” Funnel

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What is a Conversion?

• A conversion is a measurable event that indicates movement through the sales and marketing process (funnel)

• Possible examples of conversions:– Follow / friend / fan a social profile– Like / +1 / favorite a post– Share / re-tweet content– Sign up for mailing list– Open email– Click-through to website– Ask for more information on offering– Purchase– Repurchase– Advocacy / evangelism

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What is Social Media?• Social media is a set of channels, tools and

philosophies for creating content, building community, joining (and shaping) the conversation, and ultimately “converting”

• Social media is not just a new way to communicate: it’s a new way to do business

• Ultimately, social media, and more specifically social marketing, is about turning your customers and influencers into salespeople.

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Who’s Using Social Media? (B2C)

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Who’s Using Social Media? (B2B)

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Who’s Using Social Media? (B2C)

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Who’s Using Social Media? (B2C/B2B)

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Top B2B Social Marketing Goals

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Top B2B Social Marketing Goals

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Okay, so Content Marketing is Big. BUT…

If you build it…

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Content Marketing

Will they come?

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Content Marketing = Inbound Marketing

“Inbound Marketing” focuses on using multimediacontent to create awareness, drivetraffic and close sales.It works.But…

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Content Marketing Works

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Todd’s Building Blocks of a Content Marketing Strategy

1. News2. Understanding of Customer3. Understanding of Competition4. Understanding of Industry5. Understanding of Influencers6. Opinions on Any and All of These7. Lack of Fear to be Different, Better

or Critical

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The Eight Elements of News

1. Immediacy2. Proximity3. Prominence4. Oddity5. Conflict6. Suspense7. Emotion8. Consequence

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Creating a Customer Profile

• Give them a name, e.g., “Sally Spender” • If necessary, include

– The User– The Decision Maker– The Influencer– The Buyer

• There may be more than one• Include both

– Demographics– Psychographics– Socialgraphics

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Know Thy Competition

Your competitors include:• Organizations offering the same product or service now.• Organizations offering similar products or services now.• Organizations that could offer the same or similar products or

services in the future.• Organizations that could remove the need for a product or


The Four Stages of Competitive Intelligence:1. Collect the information2. Convert the information into intelligence

a) Collate and catalog itb) Integrate it with other informationc) Analyze and interpret it

3. Communicate the intelligence4. Counter adverse competitor actions you identify

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Know Thy Industry and Its Influencers

• What are the key trends and topics being written about?

• Who’s writing about them?• What are the related keywords and

key phrases?• What’s not hot and should be


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Find Your Voice

• Opinions are more interesting, and more valuable in a Twitter world, than facts

• Becoming a trusted source is a very valuable position

• Remember that PR is storytelling, and…• Social media is the ultimate cocktail party, and…• The hit of the party is often the best storyteller,

and…• Stories require characters, but…• Characters have flaws, so…• Don’t be afraid to show your own, and others’,

flaws – chances are they’re going to be found anyway

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Before You Create or Engage

1. Have a social media policy in place2. Have a social media response protocol 3. Build a repertoire of pre-approved

messages4. Have a monitoring tool in place

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Curation, Not Just Creation

• Content curation, or the reuse/repackaging of other people’s content, is becoming hugely popular

• You must be able to add value to that content: commentary, insight or more news

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Rand Fishkin’s Content Marketing Manifesto

I pledge to create something remarkable – something that people will love. Something they will want to share. Something I can be proud of. And if it fails to achieve my marketing goals, I won’t give up. I will try again. My failures will be the practice I need to earn future successes and future customers.

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Content Marketing = Search + Social

… Only If You Can Be Found

It’s a search game.And a social game. The two are blurring and merging.


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6 Keys to Sharable Content

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The 7th Key to Sharable Content?


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• PAID = Money exchanged for space in magazine, newspaper or online site; for time on radio, TV and sometimes online channels

• EARNED = Coined by public relations professionals to differentiate from paid media

• SHARED = Content shared on, and communities built on, third-party social networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.)

• OWNED = Print collateral, websites, blogs, video, podcasts, ebooks, etc.

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Day 4

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What is SEO?

The Goal of SEO is to push your content to the top of



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“Above the Fold” in the Old Days

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“Above the Fold” Today

Paid Placement

Unpaid (Organic) Placement

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Search & Social are Critical to Content Marketing


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Social Media’s Impact on SEO

Before After

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• Search engine marketing (SEM) is a combination of paid search programs and “organic” search optimization

• Paid search includes:1. Pay-per-click (PPC) 2. Cost-per-impression (CPI or CPM)


• Organic search (i.e., SEO) focuses on “unpaid” ways to improve search engine results page (SERP) placement

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5 Key Metrics of Site SEO1. Searchability. Is the structure, content and meta-content

(descriptive information including titles and keywords) of the site optimized for search engines (specifically Google and Bing), providing the best possible organic search engine results possible, as defined by search experts and online SEO/SEM measurement resources?

2. Accessibility. Is the site accessible from different kinds of devices, and can people with disabilities perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the site, as defined by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative?

3. Navigability. Once on the site, is the content easily organized and navigated?

4. Sharability. If a visitor likes what the can see or do on the site, is it easy for that person to share their likings (or dislikings) with site managers and/or the general public?

5. Salability. Does the content of the site lend itself to one or more understandable (and measurable) goals – e.g., driving visitors to try out a product, buy a service or tell others about the site?

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9 Steps to SEO Success

1. Market research2. Keyword research3. On-page

optimization4. Site structure5. Link building6. Brand building7. Viral marketing8. Adjusting9. Staying up-to-date

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Market Research Secrets

• Begins with a competitive analysis• What companies / sites are you

competing with?• How well do they perform?• Great tool:

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Keyword Research Secrets

Once you have identified and analyzed the competition at a high level, you can turn your attention to analyzing the keywords from four perspectives:

1. What keywords you want to be known for2. What your site is keyword optimized for3. What your competitors’ sites are keyword optimized for4. What people are searching for

Four great keyword tools:5. 6. 7. 8.

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On-Page vs. Off-Page

• On-Page SEO focuses on how you can improve the content, structure and navigability of your own site

• Off-Page SEO focuses on, well, pretty much everything else, including– DNS (Domain name services)– Social media– Inbound links– Press releases– PPC

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HTML 101

<HTML> This is the outside paired HTML element that declares that what’s inside is HTML

<HEAD> Content inside the HEAD element describes the whole page <META NAME=“KEYWORDS” CONTENT=“keyword 1,keyword 2,etc”> <META NAME=“DESCRIPTION” CONTENT=“Description of website for SEO”> <TITLE>The descriptive name of the page goes here</TITLE> </HEAD> Paired elements (including TITLE) are “closed off” with a leading forward slash <BODY> All the content displayed on the actual web page appears inside the BODY

elements <H1>The largest header tag for really big type</H1> <P>Body copy appears inside the P element. Click on image below.</P> <A HREF=“”><IMG SRC=“pic.gif” ALT=“Desc”></A> <H2>Slightly smaller header type</H2> <P>Headers are really important for SEO.</P> </BODY></HTML>

• Right click on a webpage and click on View source to see how a web page is designed…

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On-Page SEO Checklist

• Always start with keyword selection, research and testing• Meta Description tag• ALT tags• H1 tags• URL structure• Internal linking strategy• Content• Keyword density• Site maps, both XML and user facing• Usability and accessibility• Track target keywords• Expect results in 6-12 months


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Author Rank

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• PPC = Pay-Per-Click– Only pay for clicks– CPC = Cost-Per-Click– PPA = Pay-Per-Action (e.g., when item is

sold)– CPA = Cost-Per-Action– CPL = Cost-Per-Lead

• PPM = Pay-Per-Mille (1,000 impressions)– Avoids click fraud– CPM = Cost-Per-Mille

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PPC 101

• PPC is not just about Google AdWords– Bing (Microsoft) Ads– Facebook PPC– Yahoo! Network– Chitika

• Not just text ads in SERPs– YouTube– Blogger– Google Maps– Google News– Google Managed Placements (Ad Network)

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How to Get Started in PPC

1. Create an AdWords account2. Pick your audience3. Choose your keywords that trigger the ad4. Identify your call to action5. Build your landing page6. Build your ad7. Test your ad8. Deploy your ad9. Measure your success

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Ad Rank: Who’s #1

• Some factors influencing Quality Score are:– The relevance of your landing page to the keyword– The relevance of your ad to the keyword– The performance of your landing page – a slow-

loading website will get a lower QS– Your Click-Through-Rate (CTR)– Historical performance of your campaigns

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Google AdWords Accounts

• Keywords are bound to a group of ads• This group of ads is part of a campaign• The campaign will be part of your


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Why is G+ On Top?

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Twitter Rules

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Twitter Rules

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Twitter Rules

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Facebook Still Has the Edge

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Age Matters

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Different Age = Different Behavior

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Gender Matters…

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…Especially on Pinterest

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But Men Are Coming Around

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Income & Education Differences

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The Three Os of Measurement

1. Outputs – Results of publicity efforts

2. Outtakes – How people think as a result of these outputs

3. Outcomes – How their behavior changes as a result of these outtakes

OKatie Paine, via

“Secrets of Social Media Marketing” Chapter 15

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Seven Steps of Building a Measurement Program

1. Identify the community– Who do you have relationships with?– Who do you want relationships with?– Who are you reaching with this program

2. Define objectives for each community– At a high level, what are you trying to achieve?

3. Define measurement criteria– Create specific goals, or “conversion goals”, measured by real performance

numbers, percentage growth, share of revenue/voice, etc.– You must be able to tie these to your high-level objectives

4. Define your benchmark– Where are you starting from? Baseline metrics are critical!

5. Select a measurement tool– Both traditional and new media

6. Analyze, create action items & recommendations– Focus on what you can change

7. Make changes and measure again

“Secrets of Social Media Marketing” Chapter 15

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Where Measurement Starts

SMART Goals–Specific




–Time Bound

Slide courtesy of Kami Huyse of Zoetica (@kamichat)

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Examples of High-Level Goals

• Learn something about customers we’ve never known before

• Tell our story to customers and have them share it

• Have more comments than posts• Get our customers to help each other• Create a new revenue channel• Improve our reputation online

Jeremiah Owyang, via“Secrets of Social Media Marketing” Chapter 15

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Sample Basic Metrics

• Get on page one of SERPs for key industry term• Grow RSS or email subscriptions by 100%• Have an average of 3 comments per post• Increase the number of Facebook users “talking about”

our page by 75• Grow inbound links by 50• Have at least two blog and media mentions per week• Grow our Alexa ranking by 500 places by n date• Improve the sentiment so there are more positive

mentions than negative ones• Grow web traffic by 200%• Grow downloads or sales by 50% over next four months

“Secrets of Social Media Marketing” Chapter 15

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Example Report

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Example Report (Continued)

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The Best Social Media Metrics*

1. Conversation Index – Ratio of posts to comments or replies

2. Amplification Rate – How many people share each post/update/tweet/etc.

3. Applause Rate – How many people “like,” “+1” or “favorite” each piece of content

4. Economic Value – Sum of short- and long-term revenue and cost savings

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Paul’s Favorite Metrics

• Page Views – Simple but easy, as long as you understand difference between views (or visits) and visitors

• Returning Visitors – How sticky is your site? Over time this becomes more important

• Pages Per Visit – Keep it trending upward; it’s another measurement of stickiness

• RSS Subscriptions – How many people read your blog on a regular basis (in theory)

• Referring Sites – Who’s sending you the most traffic, to where, and why?

• SERP – Where do you rank?• Search Terms – Use these to optimize your site content

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Three Metrics In The News

1. Return On Investment2. Net Promoter Score3. Ad Value Equivalency3

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Return On Investment• According to Wikipedia, ROI is “the ratio of money

gained or lost (whether realized or unrealized) on an investment relative to the amount of money invested.”

• There are two important variables in this equation:– Return – Investment

• There’s also a third vital term: Money.• Return is payoff as measured in revenue

generated or costs avoided

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Net Promoter Score

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Facebook EdgeRank

5 Things You Didn’t Know About EdgeRank

1. Typical post reaches only 17% of your fans

2. Average post lifespan is 3 hours

3. Comments are 4x valuable than likes

4. Affinity = everything5. GraphRank is subset of


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Thank You!

Contact me!

Todd Van [email protected]@vanhoosear