bridgwater college proposal

BRIDGWATER COLLEGE PROPOSAL Avai lable to everyone, with a wide range of courses to offer in many vibrant locations, you can stretch your education further.

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Available to everyone, with a wide range of courses to offer in many vibrant locations, youcan stretch your education further.

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The genre of the overall piece is based for families,to establish that the College is a friendly andwelcoming place to study and a great opportunity tohelp your future career. The advertisement is also amini docudrama, where you see an insight of StudentLife so it is learning and factual aspects, showing thepreferred lifestyle for a student of either compulsory,further or higher education.

Within the advert, the footage consists of a montageof shots, containing several students varying in ageand race continuing each other’s sentences as they

speak about the uniqueness of the courses andlocations Bridgwater has to present. Each studentwill also come from different centres and subjects,including the new all-through academy, meaning itwill be showing a variety of facilities that Bridgwaterhas for it’s enrollers to use and some of the aspectsof the learning environment with each cut, as theyexpress enthusiasm of their work and show what thestudent’s will experience at the College.

The Audience for the advert is for all ages, as thediversity of student range within the video suggests.However, the piece is mainly aimed for parents,school leavers and anyone who wants to expand theirknowledge and skills. The mood of the piece will befriendly and welcoming, like it would be for an OpenEvening, as well as cheerful and light-hearted, whichwill attract my target audience as a preferredlifestyle.

The Video will be uploaded onto YouTube and onto

Social Networking Sites, so it can be spread by wordof mouth, people sharing the link on Facebook orembedding the advert on their blog. Distributing itthis way will give more accessibility to viewing theadvert, as well as no payment to do so. I can alsopromote the video post for a small charge, so the linkcan post up onto anyone’s dashboard on Tumblr or apop up side advert on Facebook and YouTube, whichwill expand the view ability of the advert to aroundthe world. This can help publicise to possible

international students.



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All shots will be diverse, as they will be shot in different locations and classes. With the frame, they’ll belooking at the camera as they do a practical element of their course, like a moving image of a student factfile. The only thing that will link the montage of cuts together is the audio aspect of the advert. Thespeech that they will be giving to the audience will be this:

“I love Bridgwater College./ I love Bridgwater College./ There’s a wide range/ of both academic/ andvocational courses,/ as well as degrees,/ at many available centres/ in different parts of the region,including/ Yeovil/ Paignton/ and Cannington./ And now with the first/ all-through Academy in Somerset/for two/ to sixteen year olds,/ you can now stretch/ you and your child’s education further./ I loveBridgwater College./ I love Bridgwater College./ We love Bridgwater College!”

With each slash, it will cut to the next person, ending with a class of students from various settings andcourse standing in front of the Main College site reception shouting the last line, showing passion andsupport that the learning environment has. The locations I’ll be using are all the centre available to workfrom including The Main Bridgwater Site, the Bridgwater College Academy, both the Wylds Road and theAngel Place Centre in town, the Cannington Centres, the Yeovil Centre and the Animal ManagementCentre in Paignton Zoo. Due to the amount of cuts to different people and the last shot of small class infront of Reception, I will need at least 34 people as cast, as well as director, producer, floor manager,lighting, Camera Operator and Director of Photography.

After researching the marketing that Bridgwater College has already produced, from prospectus andleaflets to the online video interviews, I wanted to follow the same type of design and keep it within thesame mood, tone and style. My advert idea is similar to the Logistics TV Advert, where two types of

businesses (Big and Small), continue and repeat each other’s speech, cutting to each person as they talk,explaining about the product and how it’s their “secret plan”. How mine is different from this broadcastedad, is that it will show the product (the College) and what it can do, rather than hinting about it. My advertwill also how extensive Bridgwater College is, teaching everyone for all ages from infancy to Retirementage. The advert brings the message that it’s never too late to have an education and you can constantlyimprove it for your need as part of your career. The advert meets the brief as it has its sensibility andgives the audience interesting as well as keeping it interesting for the viewer.