rotary club of kalgoorlie - club bulletin - 24 february 2014

Club Bulletin - Issue 24 Monday 24 February 2014 Where on earth has this week gone? It just seems like yesterday I was sitting here putting some words together for the last Bulletin. What do they say? "From little things big things grow". Paul Harris had a desire for camaraderie among business associates as he felt very alone in the business world and thought there should be a way of enabling like-minded business people to gather together. I am sure that on 23 February 1905 when Paul P. Harris, Gustav Loehr, Silvester Schiele and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr's office for what would become known as the first Rotary club meeting that none of them realised the implications of that meeting. Now, 109 years later that small group has grown to a well respected, global organisation in 215 countries, with 530 Districts that has 34,336 clubs with a total of 1,228,788 members! Up until 1989, the Constitution and By-Laws of Rotary International stated that Rotary club membership was for males only. At the 1989 Council on Legislation, a RI Constitutional change was made, with a vote to eliminate the 'male only' provision for all of Rotary. Since that time, women have become members and leaders of clubs and districts throughout the world. Kalgoorlie-Boulder has three Rotary clubs. Kalgoorlie that was chartered in 1947, Boulder chartered in 1961 and Hannans-Kalgoorlie whose charter took place in 1994. I am sure that Paul Harris never dreamt in his wildest imagination that the small gathering he initiated in 1905 would have grown to the well respected organisation that Rotary International is today. This year we have invited Boulder and Hannans Clubs to join us at Rydges, around the pool, on Monday 24 February to celebrate the 109th birthday of Rotary International. We will not only be celebrating the birthday of this wonderful organisation, but will be participating in The World's Greatest Meal to Help End Polio. Monies raised on the night will be matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on a $2 for every $1 raised. If anyone is interested in coming along and supporting our fundraiser Monday night please get in touch with either myself or any Rotarian that you know before Thursday evening so you can be included in the numbers (contact details for everyone are on the last page). Cost for the night is $40 a head, with drinks to be purchased from the bar. The evening will commence at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Please advise Peter if you will be attending and if you are bringing any guests by Friday afternoon. There are a number of events and activities coming up that we need to include in our calendars. More details for each will follow in future Bulletins and be discussed at club meetings. 24 - 29 March GSE Team from Denmark being hosted by our Club. A full itinerary will be provided to all members at the 10 March Club meeting. 31 March Rotary Information evening Membership function. At the Club meeting on Monday 10 March members will be invited to provide the names and contact details of those they would like invited. The format for the evening will be similar to the event held in August last year. Sunday 6 April KBULG Partnership Propagating 9am - 11am Karlkurla Park Sunday 11 May Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mothers Day Classic Karlkurla Park - Sausage Sizzle 10am - 12noon Friday 30 May Battle of the Brains Quiz Night date. At the Club meeting on 10 March members will be invited to sit on the committee to organise event. Saturday 28 June Changeover 5 & 6 July City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder KidsFest Saturday 26 July KBULG Annual Tree Planting Day 9am -11am Sunday 14 September KBULG Partnership propagating 8am -10am Karlkurla Park Friday 19 September Streets are Paved with Gold. At meeting on 10 March members will be to be invited to sit on the committee to organise event. Enjoy the rest of your week whilst you Engage Rotary, Change Lives. FROM PRESIDENT ESTHER ... Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie FEBRUARY is WORLD UNDERSTANDING Month 2013/14 President: Esther Roadnight OAM From President Esther Club News Meeting Roster District 9465 Meeting Make Up Club Calendar Club Details President Esther

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Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014


Page 1: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014

Club Bulletin - Issue 24 Monday 24 February 2014

Where on earth has this week gone? It just seems like yesterday I was sitting here putting some words together for the last Bulletin.

What do they say? "From little things big things grow".

Paul Harris had a desire for camaraderie among business associates as he felt very alone in the business world and thought there should be a way of enabling like-minded business people to gather together.

I am sure that on 23 February 1905 when Paul P. Harris, Gustav Loehr, Silvester Schiele and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr's office for what would become known as the first Rotary club meeting that none of them realised the implications of that meeting.

Now, 109 years later that small group has grown to a well respected, global organisation in 215 countries, with 530 Districts that has 34,336 clubs with a total of 1,228,788 members!

Up until 1989, the Constitution and By-Laws of Rotary International stated that Rotary club membership was for males only. At the 1989 Council on Legislation, a RI Constitutional change was made, with a vote to eliminate the 'male only' provision for all of Rotary. Since that time, women have become members and leaders of clubs and districts throughout the world.

Kalgoorlie-Boulder has three Rotary clubs. Kalgoorlie that was chartered in 1947, Boulder chartered in 1961 and Hannans-Kalgoorlie whose charter took place in 1994.

I am sure that Paul Harris never dreamt in his wildest imagination that the small gathering he initiated in 1905 would have grown to the well respected organisation that Rotary International is today.

This year we have invited Boulder and Hannans Clubs to join us at Rydges, around the pool, on Monday 24 February to celebrate the 109th birthday of Rotary International.

We will not only be celebrating the birthday of this wonderful organisation, but will be participating in The World's Greatest Meal to Help End Polio. Monies raised on the night will be matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on a $2 for every $1 raised.

If anyone is interested in coming along and

supporting our fundraiser Monday night please get in touch with either myself or any Rotarian that you know before Thursday evening so you can be included in the numbers (contact details for everyone are on the last page).

Cost for the night is $40 a head, with drinks to be purchased from the bar. The evening will commence at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.

Please advise Peter if you will be attending and if you are bringing any guests by Friday afternoon.

There are a number of events and activities coming up that we need to include in our calendars. More details for each will follow in future Bulletins and be discussed at club meetings.

24 - 29 March GSE Team from Denmark being hosted by our Club. A full itinerary will be provided to all members at the 10 March Club meeting.

31 March Rotary Information evening Membership function. At the Club meeting on Monday 10 March members will be invited to provide the names and contact details of those they would like invited. The format for the evening will be similar to the event held in August last year.

Sunday 6 April KBULG Partnership Propagating 9am - 11am Karlkurla Park

Sunday 11 May Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mothers Day Classic Karlkurla Park - Sausage Sizzle 10am - 12noon

Friday 30 May Battle of the Brains Quiz Night date. At the Club meeting on 10 March members will be invited to sit on the committee to organise event.

Saturday 28 June Changeover

5 & 6 July City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder KidsFest

Saturday 26 July KBULG Annual Tree Planting Day 9am -11am

Sunday 14 September KBULG Partnership propagating 8am -10am Karlkurla Park

Friday 19 September Streets are Paved with Gold. At meeting on 10 March members will be to be invited to sit on the committee to organise event.

Enjoy the rest of your week whilst you Engage Rotary, Change Lives.


Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie


2013/14 President: Esther Roadnight OAM

From President Esther

Club News

Meeting Roster

District 9465

Meeting Make Up

Club Calendar

Club Details

President Esther

Page 2: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

MEETING ROSTER 24 February Rydges 3 March No meeting

10 March Sue Morley 17 March Gloria Moyle

Please be at the Tower by 5.50pm at the latest to set up the meeting

to be ready for members and guests arriving at 6pm.

There is a guide on the cupboard door to assist you with set up.

If you can’t attend on your rostered evening, please make arrangements to swap with

another member.

Explore the Goldfields SATURDAY 15 FEBURARY

What a fantastic morning we had in St Barbara’s Square!

The Rotary Clubs of Kalgoorlie, Boulder and Hannans ran a joint stall to promote Rotary to the wider community.

The Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie members spoke to at least four people who expressed a very real interest in Rotary and coming along to a meeting.

Thanks to Cherie, Ross, Ed and Lloyd for attending the stall and representing the club.

Page 3: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

World’s Greatest Meal MONDAY 24 FEBRUARY

The Rotary Clubs of Kalgoorlie, Boulder and Hannans will be holding an event at Rydges around the pool on Monday 24 February, from 6pm for a 6.30 start.

Cost $40 a head with purchase of your drinks from the poolside bar. There will be some fun activities to raise further funds for Polio Plus.

Every $1 raised will be matched with $2 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So every $ we raise will be worth $3!!

Invite your family and friends to join us. Please advise Peter if you will be attending and if you are bringing any guests by Friday afternoon.

Polio Elimination … We’re This Close! The elimination of Polio has been a focus of Rotary International since 1979 with the formalisation of POLIOPLUS occurring in 1985.

Rotary, along with our partners, has reduced polio cases by 99 percent worldwide since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. We are close to eradicating polio.

The crippling disease that held the world to ransom in the 1950's and 1960's has almost been eliminated with those two tiny drops of oral polio vaccine, a well thought out strategy, large financial resources and the dedication and commitment of thousands of devoted volunteers and international health agencies.

Rotary International is the volunteer arm of a global partnership dedicated to eradicating polio. The PolioPlus programme is the most ambitious programme in Rotary's history.

Apart from financial commitments and advocacy, Rotary volunteers assist in vaccine delivery, social mobilisation and logistic management in cooperation with the national Health Ministries of various countries, the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Page 4: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

Welcome to the 4th Update on progress with the

District 9465 Conference to be held in

Mandurah - March 21 to 23

Key Presenter:

James Savundra InterPlast Australia & New Zealand

James is currently a consultant plastic surgeon at Royal Perth Hospital, Fremantle Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and Royal Perth Rehabilitation Hospital. He operates at St John of God Hospital Subiaco on a regular basis and he has accreditation at Hollywood Private Hospital, St John of God Hospital Murdoch and the Mount Hospital.

James provides training for future plastic and reconstructive surgeons and is the Western Australian Coordinator of Advanced Trainees in Plastic Surgery. He is also the Supervisor of training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Royal Perth Hospital. In addition, he regularly lectures medical students, nurses and allied health staff on various aspects of plastic surgery.

James is a ‘co-opted’ member of the Council of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, the main professional body for all Australian Plastic Surgeons. Importantly from Rotary’s viewpoint, James has been actively involved in Interplast Australia since 2001 and has been on voluntary plastic surgery missions to Tonga (2001), Sri Lanka (2002), Kiribati (2004), Somalia (2005), Tanzania (2006), the Phi l ippines (2007; Helping Children Smile) and Laos (2008).

This year, James travelled on an Interplast missions to Laos and to Vietnam on a Vietkids mission, a nd w i l l be t r a v e l l i n g t o Tanzania later in the year.

Conference Registration: The registration form for Conference attendance is available on the Rotary District 9465 website. This is an interactive form that can be:

• completed on-line, saved and emailed to the Registration Coordinator Wayne Hand or

• printed, manually completed and mailed

• online registration will also be offered soon from the district website

The complete the form electronically you must have a recent version of Acrobat Reader . This is available free from the web from

Payment :

Can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or Cheque. (Instructions are on the form.)

Accommodation :

Rotarians wanting good quality accommodation at reduced rates are encouraged to arrange their bookings through the Mandurah and Peel Tourist Organisation (MAPTO). Contact: Kent Sobey [email protected]

Page 5: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014


Please provide your intention regarding meeting attendance as below:

PETER SWEENEY 0434 942 244

by 12.00pm Mondays

if you are going to be an apology or if you are bringing a guest.

If you fail to apologise, and are absent from the meeting, you will be charged for your meal.

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie



The International Director is collecting used postage stamps, on envelopes, to be sold overseas to assist Oxfam and other projects through District 9465. Please bring stamps to our meetings.

make up opportunities

Want 100% attendance but can’t make the weekly meeting?

Rotary Club of Boulder Tuesday at 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Tower Hotel

Rotary Club of Hannans Friday at 6.30am to 7.00am Kalgoorlie Overland Motel

Away from the Goldfields?

Go to to find a meeting close to you.

Or, can’t physically get to a meeting?

The Club Locator will also help you find an

e-club to attend online!

Page 6: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2

3 Guest Speaker: Rebekah Moyle

4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 Explore the Goldfields

St Barbs Square


17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 World’s Greatest Meal @ Rydges 6pm for 6.30pm

25 26 27 28


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 31


1 2


4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 Miles for Smiles


24 GSE Denmark

25 GSE Denmark

26 GSE Denmark

27 GSE Denmark

28 GSE Denmark

29 GSE Denmark


MARCH 2014

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

24 February - 9 March 2014

Happy Birthday to …

No celebrations!!

Page 7: Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie - Club Bulletin - 24 February 2014

Name Partner Position Phone Email

Esther Roadnight George President Club Service Committee 0407 218 700 [email protected]

Gavin Gilmore Colleen Secretary Club Service Committee 0418 934 696 [email protected]

Billy Cumming Carol Treasurer Club Service Committee 0417 747 027 [email protected]

Ross Collins Yvonne Vice President International Service Committee 0409 688 055 [email protected]

Edward Brennan Ena Youth Service Director 9080 0800 [email protected]

Lloyd Morley Sue Vocational Service Director 0458 911 604 [email protected]

Anne Skinner International Service Director 0417 611 274 [email protected]

Peter Sweeney Robyn Community Service Director Attendance Officer 0434 942 244 [email protected]

Cherie Wallace Darren (Wally)

Membership Director & Bulletin Editor 0409 807 517 [email protected]

Stephen Harper Youth Service Committee 0408 785 126 [email protected]

James Mercer-King Sergeant Vocational Service Committee 0408 692 505 [email protected]

Sue Morley Lloyd International Service Committee 0407 437 077 [email protected]

Gloria Moyle Vocational Service Committee 0458 748 888 [email protected]

Angelo Sbizzirri Marie Community Service Committee 0418 934 267 [email protected]

Georgia Underwood Membership Committee 0427 388 900 [email protected]

Lea van Rensburg Charl Club Protection Officer Vocational Service Committee 0448 034 238 [email protected]

Lin MacQueen-Henderson Shane Community Service Committee 0419 586 951 [email protected]

Danny Vincent Kylie International Service Committee [email protected]

Find us on Facebook!

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie